They opened their mouths and in-flu-enza…


Here’s a little story about an unwanted guest in our house:

My son met her at school. I can actually tell you the exact moment that she attached herself to him. A friend of his thought it would be a good idea to share his cup and sneeze all over it in the process. At that point  my beautiful big boy became ‘snuggly’ and she  became a constant companion through March Break. After she was through with my son she decided to fly to my daughter who stayed home with my son for 5 days. Now, she has paid me a visit and I would really like her to leave. So from here on out I have told her that we are through with her and it is now time to leave. If anyone would like her In-Flu-Enza will be hitching a ride on my street. Feel free to pick her up.

Thanks for listening,

One Crazy Mom

My Son can’t read or write but he sure knows his way around a mouse….


Hi Everyone, I know it’s been awhile since I posted last, to say I have been busy is an understatement. Currently, I have a son with the flu and a ton of school work to keep up with:)  Still no excuse, so here is my current post. As most of you know I have a 2 year old son who turns 3 next month. He is fast as lighting and loves the word “No”. When you ask him “Do you love mommy?”he says ( a little too emphatically) “No!”, when you ask him “Do you want some cookies?” he says “No”. He pretty much says No to everything. Everything that is until the other day when he brought me the mouse from the computer and said ” Momma, here’s the mouse for the ‘puter, I want to play”. So, curious where this was going I found some simple online games and we started to explore. I tell you, my son can’t read or write, he knows his colours and some of his numbers and sounds of letters, but he sure know his way around a mouse!

One Crazy Mom

Book Challenge…


Hi Everyone,

I know that it has been awhile since I last posted. At times I feel like I need to go off the grid and that would be why I haven’t been posting as much. Well, I’m back now and I would like to issue my readers a book challenge. For those that know me, they know that I have love books. I sincerely can not get enough of them. I love historical books, and smultzy books, best sellers and bargain books. I really, really, really love to read. So, I would like to start a semi book club through my blog. Attached I’m going to put up a poll. Indicate if you would like to be apart of this experience.

I just finished reading:

A Discovery of Witches  ( All Souls Trilogy #1) by Deborah Harkness

Madame Tussaud: A Novel of the French Revolution by Michelle Moran and

The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins

I’m always looking for new books and if you have a suggestions for a good book club book  please, please, please post it:) Let’s get this book club started. My goal is for us to start next week with choosing a book.

I am so excited,

One Crazy Mom

Niagara Falls


Every so often my family and I take a trip to Niagara Falls. A mini getaway with the kids. We stay in a hotel and the kids get to swim as much as they want in the pool. The trip was great until the last night we were there. A word to the wise never book a hotel in Niagara Falls during Reading Week. As Darren(that’s my husband) and I watched these people with their cases of beer meander through the lobby, all I could think was please not my floor. But, low and behold we had at least 5 rooms filled with these students. So, I thought that I would be proactive and strike a deal with the guys who were right next to us. If they could keep it down when they returned from a night of festivities, I would not have my kids play hopscotch in front of their room at 5:30 am when they woke up. They agreed, and they were great. It was the crazies down the hall that woke us up at 3:00am arguing about pizza and money or something like that. I called security but like Pokeroo you have to be there in the moment. Their moment lasted 45 minutes. Eventually, they quieted down but seriously when drunks argue why is it always in the hallway, why not argue in your hotel room. I just don’t get it:) Otherwise, our trip was uneventful. The kids had a blast and the next time we go we are going to check the calendar first.

A moment to remember…


As most of you might have guessed, I am married to the most amazing person on the planet. As I watch him do the laundry or wash the floors I wonder how I got so lucky. He is truly a wonderful person, and definitely brilliant. But even with all of these amazing attributes I have to wonder about some of the ideas that run through this person’s mind.  I truly believe that I am married to a down to earth and logical person however, at times and especially with the kids it would seem that he is on another planet. In some respects I see attributes my own father ( not doing the laundry or washing the dishes as I never saw that while I was growing up), but the intense need to give his children everything even if it is -12 degrees and freezing outside. Why am I explaining this? Well, today was one of those days that reminded me of times when I was younger.

Today we woke up to the most beautiful sight. We finally had snow. As we slept, a blanket of the white, fluffy stuff covered the ground. My husband got up and looked outside and thought to himself that today would be a great day to pull out the toboggan out and find the closest hill. At around 1pm, when we had sufficiently loafed the morning away he decided that we were going to tobogganing. So, we got all of the kids dressed in warm clothes, snowpants, snow jackets, hats, gloves – the works. It was at this point that we noticed that I had left  my 2-year-old’s snow boots at school. So, if you can imagine here are my kids all dressed up, looking like mini sumo wrestlers, bumping into each other left and right, but no boots. After an exhaustive search we found a pair and quickly shoved them on to my son’s feet. The baby is dressed and screaming because he is hot and is not used his snowsuit. My son is dressed, my daughter is dressed and my husband is wearing a hat which never happens.

As we all get into the car, about an hour and  a half later, we drive to the nearest hill. We unload everyone and start up the hill. At this point I can’t see, the baby is cold, but my husband who is determined to have this moment is taking my 2 year old on a sled up the hill with my 6-year-old trailing faithfully behind. It takes them about 3 minutes (that’s two runs) to figure out that this is not a good idea. There isn’t enough snow, the kids are two heavy to both be on the sled, so they have to maneuver themselves down the hill, and there is my poor husband who is slowly losing faith in the plan. At this point I am in the car driving around the parking lot with the baby, and watching them try in vain to have a good time. My daughter abandons the sled in lieu of making snow angels, and my son just wants out.

So, to recap it took 1 hour and 30 minutes to get them ready and into the car and exactly 3 minutes to realize that this was not the best idea. The look on my husband’s face was priceless, he looked so disappointed and frustrated. It was really sad, but as I’m writing this with tears running down my cheeks from laughing so hard, I imagine that this was how my mother felt so very long ago. When I was little my father wanted his children to enjoy the splendor that was the Pennsylvanian caves. So, one year on our way to Florida, he shleped my brothers and I to the Pennsylvanian caves. These brochure stated that the caves were open 365 days a year , so my dad thought it would be a good idea to go on Christmas. The 366th day on the calendar, the one day that they were closed.  I can just see my mother’s face as we made our way back to the car to tell her it was closed. That was the same face I had today.

I truly believe that we learn something from every experience. So, what did I learn from today? If your husband comes up with an idea, that you know is not going to work out, it is best to let him have the moment and then blog about it later:)

One Crazy Mom,


I want a burger with everything ( and I mean everything)on it….


Like most women I have been on some sort of diet for most of my life. Except when I was pregnant, I called that my diet hiatus moment. And if anyone saw me they would say that I truly enjoyed that moment.  The current diet du jour is weight watchers. Don’t get me wrong, it works and I love it–sort’ve. I should say I love that I have lost weight, but I hate having to think about every little thing that I put into my mouth. For those of you who don’t know weight watchers it is based on a point system, whereby every food is given a point and you have a certain amount of points to consume throughout the day. As you progress on this diet you will notice that food ceases to look like food, instead it resembles the number amount you are eating. Sometimes, I just want a burger with everything on it, fries on the side dripping with ketchup and a big,  cold diet coke, but then I realize if I ate that I couldn’t eat for the rest of the week -so, like a good girl I abstain.

So, in short diets, no matter what they are suck. But getting into your favourite jeans—Priceless!!!

My son –The Stingy Kisser


I just thought that I would let the whole wide world now that my 2-year-old son is a STINGY KISSER. My daughter gives them away for free, but my son well let’s just say that you have to really work hard to get those lips to pucker. You would think that they were made of gold the way he holds on to them. I guess he doesn’t really understand that he has an almost limitless supply of kisses to give away, or maybe we have it all wrong and should be holding back our kisses, so that when they do come they are special. I got a spontaneous kiss last night and I have to say that it was the sweetest thing that he has ever given me.  But, of course like all mothers I wanted more and he looked at me like I was crazy. Well, to that I say “pucker up buttercup” I want my kisses. So, at the end of this rant I will conclude with saying again that my son is a STINGY KISSER, but that won’t stop me from trying:)

Things I never thought I would hear myself say…


Before I had kids I think that I was a pretty coherent person, but now I find that I say things that I never in my life thought I would say.

Here is a list of things that I can’t believe came out of my mouth:

1. Please do not eat your sister’s arm.

2. Please do not ride the dog like a pony.

3. Tell me again, why you are licking the baby?

4. Dirt stays on the floor as nature intended.

5. That is not a nice word..oh you wanted the ship.

6. The baby is not a chair!

7. The wii is not a piggy bank.

These are just a few, but I will keep you updated as there are always more.

One Crazy Mom,


What makes me happy….


The other day I was out with my daughter and her friend and as I watched them they seemed so happy to just be with each other. So excited that the other one was there sharing the same space, that it got me to thinking about all of the little things that make me happy. Beyond my husband and kids which do double duty of making me supremely happy and nuts all at the same time I don’t think that I have ever just sat down and wrote a list of things that make me happy. So I started one and wanted to share it with you. Please note these are not in any particular order.

1. The Cosby Show: I don’t know why I love this show, maybe it evokes memories of when I used to watch it as a kid, or perhaps it’s because every episode of the Cosby shows feels like a Friday afternoon. I don’t know but I am watching reruns every night and love it.

2. Friday afternoons: Any season, I love them all.

3. Sleeping Babies: The quiet and calm that comes over the house when the baby finally falls asleep.

4. Toes that are painted red: For anyone that knows me you know that I hate feet. However, seeing my (only mine) toes painted red is one of my favourite things.

5. Baskets: I love them. I love how they hold things and keep clutter away. I like the way they look when they are in the right place.

6. The smell of scotch tape: I have no idea why.

7. The house before guests come over: It’s so clean and nice and just waiting to be messed up.

8. The first page of a new notebook.

9. A really good pen: One that is smooth and just makes you want to write neatly.

10. A great pair of shoes that you don’t have to work in, that you got on sale and that goes with everything.

11. A book with a satisfying conclusion.

These are just a few of my favourite things. Please add to my list, I would love to hear your thoughts…

One Crazy Mom,
